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Code of Conduct

Enchantment U. S. Pageant

Code of Conduct

A. I am in good health and am physically able to discharge the professional responsibilities.

B. I have no present association with the adult entertainment or publishing industries. 

C. I am of good moral character and will conduct myself in a courteous and professional manner at all times during my reign.

D. I will not slander other contestants, judges, sponsors, pageant staff or anyone else involved with Enchantment U S Pageant System. Defamatory verbal and/or written remarks against Enchantment U S Pageant or its delegates, will result in immediate disqualification and forfeiture of any and all gifts, prizes, and fees paid. 

E. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Disruptive behavior before, during, or after the pageant may result in disqualification and removal from the premises. If delegate is disqualified, stripped of title, or relinquishes, for any reason, any title, prizes & gifts awarded to the state delegate, must be returned in full, or delegate will be charged reasonable replacement costs. 

F. Delegates may not engage the judges in conversation prior to, or during the competition. Delegates who are observed approaching a Judge and or Judges will be subject to immediate disqualification. 

G. I am qualified to represent my state or region due to residency, property, origin of birth, ownership, employment or military station. 

H. I understand the state delegate fee and/or any fees received are nonrefundable for any reason.

I. I understand if I resign and/or step down without fulfilling my contract for state or national the crown and sash will be returned within 14 days to the CEO Director of the pageant system.  I also understand resignation does not entitle the delegate to a refund of any fees collected.

J. All state delegates must commit to 10 hours a month of community service.

K. All state delegates are required to inspire and uplift each other.

L. All concerns must be addressed to the CEO Director of Enchantment U S Pageant System and not be addressed through other delegates, parents and/or guest.  This will be considered gossip and grounds for dismissal. 

M. I understand Enchantment U S Pageant System is recruiting ages 5-99. 

N. I understand Enchantment U S Pageant System is LBGTQ friendly and open to all genders.

O. I understand as a state delegate I will promote the Enchantment U S Pageant System.

P. While in public the state delegate will:

a. Smile

b. Dress professionally

c. Shank a hand if offered (you may decline respectfully)

d. Speak clear

e. Introduce yourself

f. Speak about your platform and/or community service

g. Listen to others as they are speaking

h. Be engaging and in the moment

i. Introduce others you are standing next to and/or by your side if they are your guest

j. No smoking in crown and sash

Q. I agree to abide by the Conduct Code.

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